
Due the demographic development and the political pressures on the pay as you go based social security system the second pillar of the Swiss three pillar system deserves an increasing meaning. Demands and expectations on funded occupational pension benefit plans will correspondingly increase especially for pension fund management and in the area of investments.

To empower the pension system and the individuals "Innovation Second Pillar" was founded in 1996. The main purpose of this non profit-organization is to promote and to research in the area of the occupational pension benefit system in Switzerland. The association aims to enhance understanding of the complexity and diversity of the pension system in the context of increasing social, economic and political problems. The association enables its members to exchange information and to promote research on all pension issues. It provides a forum for scientific work, discussion and communication. It makes studies on the pensions system available to law maker, supervisors, courts, practitioners and individuals.

A further scope of this smart Swiss think tank is to analyze appropriate methods for the modernization of the employee benefit system and to prepare pension institutions and supervisory agencies for the increasing requirements and changing demands. The analysis, evaluation and recommendation of new investment means and management methods are the central points of its work. The search for an optimal pension system is a world wide task, and it is the principal aim of a range of public and private institutions. This makes the comparison with foreign systems and regulations valuable. Especially new ideas and alternative experiences in the field of asset-liability management and the application of advanced communication technology should be better known and evaluated. The "Innovation Second Pillar" wants, for this reason, to work together with the practical, scientific and political partners both in Switzerland and in other countries. Creativity, interdisciplinary mind set and international comparisons are therefore its main scope and feature. The enclosed brochures may document the outcomes of the respective seminars since the beginning of its activities.

The membership in the innovation second pillar is open to all interested in the carrying out and further development. The members of the innovation second pillar, numbering at the present time over hundred, work in large, medium and small pension funds, banks and insurance companies, or are experts, advisors or representatives of authorities, organizations and science.

Members of the Board: Werner Nussbaum (Chairman), Dr. Ernst Raetzer (Vice-Chairman), Alexander Bruhin, Dr. Claude Chuard, Prof. Thomas Fischer, Dr. Michael Madjar, Irène Obielum, Martin Oester, Dr. Cyrill Schubiger.                    

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